Would you rather be raptured or go sailing today?

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
Posts: 13858
Would you rather be raptured or go sailing today?

Would it be bad form to put off being "selected" if it were really windy?

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Slogger's picture
Joined: 04/05/2002 - 00:57
Posts: 99
Re: Would you rather be raptured or go sailing today?


1st thought - Can't I do both?
2nd thought - Sailing brings me closer to God.
3rd thought - As badly as I sail, I might get there on my own!
4th thought - If I pass on rapture, that means I choose tribulation.
5th thought - What are the conditions today?
6th thought - If I pass on rapture, do I forfeit salvation?
7th thought - Will I have another chance at rapture?
8th thought - Is rapture like throwing a loop, except you *know* you're going to have a good landing?


BTW - Heard a teaching from the Greek that showed the rapture (word never in the Bible) is spiritual, not physical. The doctrine of a physical rapture is known started by a Catholic priest in 1834 who wanted to throw the Protestants a curve. He even admitted it in writings later in his life.

May your water be smooth and your winds be swift.

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