Tuesday April 3rd afternoon session

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Joined: 04/19/2016 - 18:03
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Tuesday April 3rd afternoon session

I am going to try to go to Old Federal park around 4

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FoilDodo's picture
Joined: 03/19/2008 - 23:50
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Re: Tuesday April 3rd afternoon session

I have a theory. My theory, which belongs to me, is as follows.
The next thing you read is my theory:

Air to water temperature differential of 15º or less will allow winds to penetrate to the water surface.
Temp difference of 20º+ sets up the dome effect.

Scratch one-s head

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Randy's picture
Joined: 05/05/2002 - 10:38
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Re: Tuesday April 3rd afternoon session

I think it is not a theory but a fact. However, there is a loophole - if the wind is blowing over an area where it is more side shore or narrow and the fetch isn't very long the wind can get through for a while. I've seen it happen at 2 Mile, Keith's Bridge, Tidwell and MAP from time to time. I recall times when there was a ton of wind at Keith's Bridge, but everyone at Old Fed was saying nothing was happening. Of course, short fetches have their own issues which make them less desirable as well. South or SW winds are generally fickle on top of it all, so it doesn't always make for good sailing.

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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Joined: 04/19/2016 - 18:03
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Re: Tuesday April 3rd afternoon session

Dome effect / No dome effect...
I have to windsurf often... it makes me more tolerable to others

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FoilDodo's picture
Joined: 03/19/2008 - 23:50
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Re: Tuesday April 3rd afternoon session
...if the wind is blowing over an area where it is more side shore or narrow and the fetch isn't very long the wind can get through for a while.

Loophole subpart B (also my theory): If there's enough vertical mixing (indicated by cumulous clouds - (more clouds = more mixing)), wind can more easily punch through to the water. It's usually gusty in that case.

Subpart C: In low humidity, the air temp drops more quickly... the air thickens up and can be MUCH steadier. On days with lots of cumies, the late shift is often the good one. Yes 3

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Joined: 04/19/2016 - 18:03
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Re: Tuesday April 3rd afternoon session

It may be around 5 when I get there ( work and all )

Anybody who is new to windsurfing or is wanting to get back in it. Old Federal Day Use Park is a fairly safe place to practice and there should be minimal boat traffic (maybe some spring break boat traffic).
At current lake levels the land bridge to the little island is submerged about 2 1/2' - 3' but is a good place for stopping and turning around and provides a little insurance for walking the rig back to shore if you are having difficulty ( provided you practice on the windward side of it Smile )

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