"There may be some wind today" 8/6

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Joined: 03/19/2008 - 23:50
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"There may be some wind today" 8/6

It's the heat. Or maybe hopelessly wishful thinking from a wind starved sailor stuck in the Horse Latitudes in August... but there might be some wind... really. The pressure map shows a promising gradient setup and it's starting out good with consistent west all morning. I may be wrong about the wind (it happened once before) but Christopher & I are plotting a cryptozoological outing to find the Loch Lanier Monster (aka gater rasslin').

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Joined: 03/21/2007 - 06:59
Posts: 24

Most of you dont know me but I lurk from time to time. I recently spend $60 on a mountain board on ebay and mounted the Univ on it. Now I sail at the park in dawsonville on low wind days. Yesterday there were a few nice tacks back and forth. mostly waiting for a gust though.
I want to use the board with a kite but I have not gotten the right conditions or coordination yet.


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