Robbie goes Country and Western

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arrogantj's picture
Joined: 01/24/2012 - 14:11
Posts: 1053
Robbie goes Country and Western

Apparently, iconic windsurfer and kiter Robbie Naish has gone Country and Western according to this craigs list ad.

(I am not including the url because I don't want anyone paying $350 for an OBrien Pro Am. They weren't worth that much new in 1994,)

--- The Arrogant Jerk: Crabby and irritable since 1998.

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Randy's picture
Joined: 05/05/2002 - 10:38
Posts: 4672
Re: Robbie goes Country and Western

Wow- gear is coming out of the woodwork. First Trey's board blowout, now this. Makes me glad I have almost completed my board divestiture. Speaking of which, I've got a board for sale in another post.

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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