Longboard weekend?

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Longboard weekend?

Was thinking it might be pretty cool for those of us with longboards to perhaps convene one day and do a long distance run. We did a couple of dam to bridge runs a while back on Lanier. Maybe something similar but round trip to make the logistics easier.

I've got a spare IMCO (assuming it actually floats) to lend for anyone who may need it.

Shortboarders can come, too, especially if it's breezy and you have Formula style kit. But don't whine if the wind is light and you get left behind.

Sitting here watching the 20-30 out the window sucks. Thinking about this takes away some of the pain.

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FoilDodo's picture
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Re: Longboard weekend?

I'm in!

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Re: Longboard weekend?

I'm a maybe there. Today - Tuesday, was mighty fun.

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Randy's picture
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Re: Longboard weekend?

Sounds good but last I checked Sunday might be the better day for it, as Sat could have some pretty good winds.

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: Longboard weekend?

I was speaking more generically as far as a weekend. I didn't expect the weekend to be windy (odds were in my favor).

If it's breezy Sunday, that could work.

welcome back.

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FoilDodo's picture
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Re: Longboard weekend?

:shock: Wow, Saturday looks like the dream forecast for a Dam-to-Sunrise trip...

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webguy's picture
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Re: Longboard weekend?

It's the getting back that'd be "interesting".

Maybe a 7.5 on the Formula board or wide slalom but I have the feeling it would turn into an adventure if I had to go back the other way.

Wish I had your long boarding skills; don't trust mine off wind in a 30 mph gust and a big sail.

And to finish my whine... West Bank doesn't allow trailers and I'm a bit lazy stuffing all my crap into the car.

Wait, didn't I try a downwinder with you once a long time ago? Blum 3

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Stephan's picture
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Re: Longboard weekend?

Webguy, this plan sounds very good. I would like to join it next time, since I can't make it this weekend.


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gene_mathis's picture
Joined: 05/17/2002 - 05:00
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Re: Longboard weekend?

Just an idea (and probably not a good one,) how about a LONG distant SHORT board trip. On a not over-powering 6.0/7.5 day, when we normally sailing from VP to Aqualand islands, we could group up and sail from Van Pugh to the closed Athens Park (just NE of Vanns Tavern,) then over to Old Fed or the Lake Lanier Sailing Club, then do the return trip.


This weekend probably wont work as it's too windy on Sat and not enough on Sunday.


Gene Mathis

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webguy's picture
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Re: Longboard weekend?

Interesting idea Gene. Only thing that strikes me is the need to take into account wind shadows. Pinching up to a shadowed beach on a 6.0 might be not be too fun.

For example on a W or NW, Athens would be a pain to get to (but not SW) while E would make the LLSC annoying.

Of course, if we wanted fun, we'd get a jet ski... (that's what one guy told me)

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gene_mathis's picture
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Re: Longboard weekend?

I was thinking the return trip would be from Old Fed back to Athens park, then back to Van Pugh. I'm not sure how shaddowed Athen's Park would be, assuming a kind of normal wind direction of W/SW.

Another option might be, from Van Pugh to Old Fed and back, any way you want to go?


Gene Mathis

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Joined: 07/19/2005 - 21:53
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Re: Longboard weekend?

The solution is obvious is it not? None of these are issues with a longboard.

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FoilDodo's picture
Joined: 03/19/2008 - 23:50
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Re: Longboard weekend?

I'm going to go to LLSC with an Equipe and my floaty slalom bored.

What if we start there, do a round trip to the dam (longbored)
a round trip to Van Pugh (shortbored) and back to LLSC?
Then grill & chill. :shock:

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Joined: 09/19/2007 - 23:09
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Re: Longboard weekend?

I'd like to do one of those - although I'm not sure about going to the dam. Thinking about bringing my smaller longboard, plus a shortboard to cover bases. Launch from LLSC sounds good to me. When are you going?

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: Longboard weekend?

CV, thinking about coming up. Ring me if you have a choice in beer.

I'll bring the long board but I think, given the wind forecast and water temperature, I'm going to choose something a lot wider.

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FoilDodo's picture
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Re: Longboard weekend?

I expect to be there by ~2.

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webguy's picture
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Re: Longboard weekend?

Chris Voith: Lord Board http://windsurfatlanta.org/From%20Rum%20to%20Formula

Gene, the two Chrises (Voith/Pyron) and I sailed from LLSC over to Van Pugh (well, to the top of the bay, we didn't see anyone out. When the wind backed off, I traded my formula for the Equipe and CV a 9.5 for the 7.5. CP merrily sailed on his longboard and 6.3, laughing at us rigging and rerigging (he was too polite to laugh but it probably was amusing).

Headed out and over to VP and the wind decided to kick in. CV did a :shock: holding on to the 9.5. We sledded back home downwind where I proved that my longboard jibes are atrocious. At least I served as a jibe bouy for CV.

We went back to the beach for a beer and snack. CV left while CP and I went out - this time I took the Formula. In one good gust, made it out of the LLSC bay and then motored over to Athens Park. Then sledded home. Did your VP- LLSC-Athens Park tour.

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gene_mathis's picture
Joined: 05/17/2002 - 05:00
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Re: Longboard weekend?

So, do you think it's do-able? the VP/Athens Park/LLSC/Athen's Park/VP sail? on a short board?

Van Pugh didnt seem to work well yesterday, either the wind direction, over-inflated forecast or ??? I didnt even rig, a few sailors rigged 6.5/7.0,but didnt do much, Marcel re-rigged his 8.5 and did better and Michael did OK on his Exocet SUP and 6.5.

I talked to the kiters at Old Fed, they did OK, 4 of them kited, 2 had to hitch a ride back when the wind dropped. Also I talked to the couple who hung their kite in the tree at LLSC.


Gene Mathis

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Randy's picture
Joined: 05/05/2002 - 10:38
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Re: Longboard weekend?

Al and I sailed at Keith's Bridge - Al on 6.0 and 103 liter, I was on 5.8 and my SUP/longboard. Very powered up most of the time. Were lots of holes and wasn't easy, but it was very strong day. G-ville reported 17-25 which seemed about right.

Friday was the same, if not stronger at KB. (17-29 reported).

Not sure why this place seems to work on warm wind/cold water SW days, but it has happened enough times now to be pretty sure its not just a fluke.

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What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: Longboard weekend?

So, do you think it's do-able? the VP/Athens Park/LLSC/Athen's Park/VP sail? on a short board?

I assume you aren't teasing me. Smile (If you are, I probably deserve it.)

It can be done on any big slalom board but more fin means more fun because there's going to be a fair amount of upwind work.

We'll give it a go on the next "shortboard" weekend.

Randy, you've intrigued us...

I think the Dome effect was affecting things yesterday in a big day. The air was toasty but my feet were about numb from the water.


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Barrett's picture
Joined: 12/23/2003 - 23:07
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Re: Longboard weekend?

We had a good turn out at Van Pugh. The wind started out strong, but based on the forecast of increasing wind, we hung out and waited for it to pick up more. It turned out the best wind was early in the afternoon, then it dropped off.

The only sailor who really had fun was Marcel. He came in after one run on his 6.5m and rigged up to an 8.5m. The rest of us were rigged too small and only planned on the gusts.

Randy, it sounds like you and Al had better conditions at Keith's Bridge. I'll have to join you there next time we have a warm day, cold water & SW wind.

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