Kiteboarder's meeting in Franky's on the Prado. Wed 7th June

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Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Kiteboarder's meeting in Franky's on the Prado. Wed 7th June

Hello all.

Yes, it feels like it was ages ago last time we met at Frankies, or last time (early April) when we sailed Lanier in awesome conditions. I am myself back from a 15 day working trip to Chile, and NO, I did not kite... it was all about real work unfortunatelly!!!. So I have a burning desire to kite or talk about kiting... If you feel the same, let's meet to talk about it.

I know some of you have had good trips to the coast, even to Lanier since. I would like to met this Wednesday 7th of June in Franky's on the Prado in Roswell Road (1/4 mile inside the perimeter, west side of Roswell, in Prado's strip Mall) 7:00 PM, and share some of those trips, or plan for our next adventure. I would like to plan a trip to Cumberland Island in June-early July, and would like to give you the details and check who's up to come for this trip.

If you think you can make it to the bar on Wed, drop me a line to let me know, so I can reserve a room at Franky's. For the first 10 people who show, there will be free kiteboarder Magazines.

Hope to see a lot of you and to keep growing our ATL kiteboarding community. Bring any friend who may be interested in kitting as well...

Emilio Cobo
Locus Wind LLC, Manager

Phone: 404 509 4229

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