Foiling safety PSA

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moredownhaul's picture
Joined: 05/10/2007 - 07:28
Posts: 1611
Foiling safety PSA

The other day Neil silently foiled up behind me and yelled something, Thinking he was on the other side of the lake it startled me at first but I was glad he alerted me of his presence so I didn’t tack or jibe in front of him.

So if I let out a little woohoo next time I’m behind you it’s just because I don’t want you to ding my board with your skull. ?


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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
Posts: 13858
Re: Foiling safety PSA

Remember kids
1) Look around you before jibing, tacking etc. That way you won't do something goofy like jibe and find yourself heading towards a barge towing a dock at 2 mph. That was embarassing. fwiw, I came off the foil and waited for them to go by so I didn't make a total ass of myself.

2a) Give people room to maneuver if overtaking especially if you are headed towards the edges. Nothing more frustrating then being close to shore and your "friend" keeps sailing just under you so you can't jibe.

2b) Expect the unexpected. I was upwind of Alejo who was kite-foiling a week ago as we were headed towards Old Fed campground - there was a puff there that looked to be just enough to power me through. I was well clear and was expecting to jibe when he did. Except, Alejo did a foiling tack. We still had plenty of room as I hadn't jibed yet. Nonetheless, it was a good reminder to leave space even when you think you've anticipated things.

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