Took another stab at it today - selling all my gear.

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
Posts: 13905
Took another stab at it today - selling all my gear.

Sixth time I've tried winging and I've only gotten off the water a couple of times. A few times in OBX, the water was too shallow. In Florida, I always pick the too light days. Tired of this. What a waste of time when I could be riding my bike (which I did before I went out today. Friggin headwind half the time.) So, I'm selling everything, lock, stock and barrel. Ten windsurfing boards, five foils, a wing board, two wings, probably a dozen or more sails and masts and booms and extensions and bases and fins and more fins. Wetsuits, too, got a few of those. And a drysuit. Plus, I'll throw in a bike or two. Make me a good offer and I'll even find a couple of old windsurfing magazines or DVDs to toss in the pile.

No reasonable offer refused. Since I've got the GDP of a small Caribbean nation invested in this pile of crap, no low ball offers accepted. I know what I've got.

Apologies to anyone who's made similar posts recently. I stole your intellectual property without hesitation because I'm fed up.

I'm going back and trying it tomorrow. Just need a touch more wind. F* it, I'm all in.

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Randy's picture
Joined: 05/05/2002 - 10:38
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Re: Took another stab at it today - selling all my gear.

Instead of selling all your gear, how about this instead?

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
Posts: 13905
Re: Took another stab at it today - selling all my gear.

Randy, how am I supposed to sell t-shirts along with everything....

Oh.... Never-mind. Blush

I did have a guy tell me the wing I was using is "an older" model at 2 years old and the new stuff would be better. He's probably right but my credit card has been sizzling from windfoil purchases already.

Like I said, I'm at least getting rid of my fear of drifting downwind. Back at it again today.

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aeroegnr's picture
Joined: 01/15/2023 - 09:56
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Re: Took another stab at it today - selling all my gear.

It took me a lot of wind, basically whitecaps, to get up on a wing my first time with a 6.0.

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
Posts: 13905
Re: Took another stab at it today - selling all my gear.

Total liquidation on hold
Seventh time is the charm.
29 20 mph winds and a 4.0 was the ticket.
Jibes are absolutely painful. Literally Lol

Edit: fat fingered wind speed

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Joined: 10/08/2018 - 10:32
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Re: Took another stab at it today - selling all my gear.
webguy wrote:

Total liquidation on hold Seventh time is the charm. 29 mph winds and a 4.0 was the ticket. Jibes are absolutely painful. Literally Lol

Good, I don’t need the competition in my liquidation efforts

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
Posts: 13905
Re: Took another stab at it today - selling all my gear.
aeroegnr wrote:

It took me a lot of wind, basically whitecaps, to get up on a wing my first time with a 6.0.

I'm terribly inefficient getting off the water but once up, a 4.0 is surprisingly effective. Later in the day tried a 1700 foil wing which made take off a touch harder but less drag once up. I found it took a lot of foil pumping to get up early. Wingfoils are markedly more stable in pitch. On a 70cm mast, I don't think I came close to foiling out. Jibes hurt less when I stopped trying to do them at low speeds in the air. That part will be a work in progress for a while. Having a big float bord was so nice. I'm sure I'll try a smaller board eventually but at this stage of the game it made getting going so much easier.
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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
Posts: 13905
Re: Took another stab at it today - selling all my gear.

Edited post above. 20 mph winds, not 29 Lol

Yesterday felt tired and beat up so rigged windfoil and 5.4. Breeze filled in after lunch 10-20 and had ripping session of jibe practice. The water was really flat. East wind and launched from 520 causeway by hospital. If you want a place to practice foil jibes, add this to your list. Plenty of power and 3-6 inches of chop.

A drone maybe got some footage. I'll post if I can get it. Today, up to Jacksonville for Maverick's clinic.

This wing thing seems to be popular here. Glad to see so many people on the water.

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