NW Wind Wednesday

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Barrett's picture
Joined: 12/23/2003 - 23:07
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NW Wind Wednesday

I plan on sailing at Van Pugh tomorrow (Wed.) afternoon.


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Joined: 04/19/2016 - 18:03
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Re: NW Wind Wednesday

I hope to be there

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: NW Wind Wednesday
TVAW wrote:

I hope to be there

He was! Barrett, CP, Ed and I enjoyed a Most Excellent™ 15-25 day. David W stopped by to consider it, too. 6ish was the call by late afternoon. Missed those who couldn't come.
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Joined: 09/05/2008 - 22:22
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Re: NW Wind Wednesday

I want to thank CP and TVAW for my rescue.
After another unsuccessful jibe I was departed from my board.
I've tried to catch it, but it was impossible to beat 25 mph wind.
CP came first and tried to catch my board,
but he changed his mind and came to me worried I could drown.
It was a good idea because at this time board was 100 yards away from me.
TVAW was the one who get hold of my board. CP dragged me behind his board to the TVAW.
I don't even want to think what could have happened if I was there by myself.
Thank you again.

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: NW Wind Wednesday

Really, really glad you are safe. Thanks to CP and Langdon for keeping an eye out and taking care of a buddy.

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peelskid's picture
Joined: 06/09/2003 - 15:33
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Re: NW Wind Wednesday

I know EXACTLY what you are talking about.


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Re: NW Wind Wednesday

You're welcome

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nitro's picture
Joined: 08/26/2003 - 15:07
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Re: NW Wind Wednesday
ediksail wrote:

I want to thank CP and TVAW for my rescue. After another unsuccessful jibe I was departed from my board. I've tried to catch it, but it was impossible to beat 25 mph wind. CP came first and tried to catch my board, but he changed his mind and came to me worried I could drown. It was a good idea because at this time board was 100 yards away from me. TVAW was the one who get hold of my board. CP dragged me behind his board to the TVAW. I don't even want to think what could have happened if I was there by myself. Thank you again.

Good to hear everything is okay! It took me 20+ years of sailing before I consistently started wearing a flotation vest (especially at the lake). Not sure why I waited so long. It makes waterstarting so much easier and no more worries about getting separated from the board.

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Joined: 11/27/2004 - 09:05
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Re: NW Wind Wednesday

Wear a PFD and its impossible to swim fast enough to catch your board in high wind...
Don't wear a PFD and you're in danger if you don't catch your board...

No right or wrong here, just do what makes sense to you, and double check your rig to board connection every time. Separated rig from the board is probably one of the worst situations to be in. Without the rig connected the board will take off in high winds like a ski on a hill.

Ed, just curious, did you have a PFD on?


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Randy's picture
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Re: NW Wind Wednesday

I always wear an impact vest or regular (approved) PFD. For me the choice is easy enough - I'm not a good enough swimmer to do otherwise. I figure if the board gets away from me and the sail, I will never catch it anyway. Catching the board with the sail still on is easy - I've done it many times. The times the board/sail separated I was lucky enough that the board was just not that far away. The first time it happened it was the sail that got away but someone (Greg C. I think) got it for me.

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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Joined: 04/19/2016 - 18:03
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Re: NW Wind Wednesday

When I got to Ed's rig his sail was still on the surface with air under the foot / boom area of the sail. Not much to anchor it, drifting and being push by waves pretty quickly

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Eric_68's picture
Joined: 09/13/2010 - 22:53
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Re: NW Wind Wednesday

I know exactly the feeling. I had a friend filming with his drone last year on Allatoona with high wind and you can see the speed of board + sail still together. Possible trouble starting at 2:30...

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Joined: 09/05/2008 - 22:22
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Re: NW Wind Wednesday
Marek wrote:

Wear a PFD and its impossible to swim fast enough to catch your board in high wind... Don't wear a PFD and you're in danger if you don't catch your board...

No right or wrong here, just do what makes sense to you, and double check your rig to board connection every time. Separated rig from the board is probably one of the worst situations to be in. Without the rig connected the board will take off in high winds like a ski on a hill.

Ed, just curious, did you have a PFD on?

I'm not wearing a PFD. I can swim for hours no problem, BUT only if the water temperature is not 50F.
And I don't know how a PFD is going to help against hypothermia.

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Re: NW Wind Wednesday

PFD will add a bit of warmth and give you flotation if your muscles stiffen up from the cold. But if you try to swim to shore with at PFD it will take a lot more effort and time...so which is better?
I don't wear a PFD either, except for kiting...I asked the question bc was just curious about the situation.


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nitro's picture
Joined: 08/26/2003 - 15:07
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Re: NW Wind Wednesday

Something like this http://stores.wetsuit.com/kite-vest-red-d51/is a good compromise. Part flotation, impact and warmth. But yeah, it’s personal preference. I’m in good shape and an experienced sailor, but really prefer extra float verses being able swim faster. I had a near drowning experience many years sailing in the ocean, blasting along on the way out, got the largest jump of my life and bailed before landing. My gear was a good 50 yards downwind and as hard as I swam I could not catch it. I ended up just floating on my back for a good 30-40 minutes and finally floated to shore. The biggest lesson I learned is to never let go of my gear if at all possible! I do know that wearing a slim flotation device would have made the experience a lot less scary.

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: NW Wind Wednesday

Been there, done that. Wear the same vest as Nitrojiber. thought it would be bulky, noticeable, etc. It's invisible, makes waterstarting so much easier and, if the rig blows away, I've got options. The extra warmth is a bonus plus the buoyancy means you get a lot less neck flush in the first place. If an hour in the water means risking hypothermia, dial up the wetsuit thickness, take a hat, etc. We all check our gear but poo happens and, often, at the worst time and place.

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peelskid's picture
Joined: 06/09/2003 - 15:33
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Re: NW Wind Wednesday

The lesson I learned from my experience is that now when I sail, if I fall off for any reason, I never let go of the boom.


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