US Sailing needs a little assistance

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Joined: 12/26/2002 - 08:16
Posts: 278
US Sailing needs a little assistance

Stu Gilfillen posted this on facebook - Martine forwarded it.

He is developing a Windsurfing Instructors Guide.

I'm looking for someone with experience teaching windsurfing who might be willing to volunteer a little time to give feedback on a new publication. If you're interested, PM me or email me at stugilfillen[at] The publication is close to complete but needs a technical eye.

As a thank you, we'll add your name to the acknowledgements section and send you some cool thank you gifts.
Let me know if you might be interested. Thanks!

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arrogantj's picture
Joined: 01/24/2012 - 14:11
Posts: 1053
Re: US Sailing needs a little assistance

Funny thing, I wrote a semi-smarta** comment with links to Calema and Andy Brandt but deleted it since it didn't seem very constructive and Richard was just trying to help.

Looked at the Facebook and Tinho was just contacted thanks to CV - looks like I wasn't that far off base. Just wondering how things got this far without reaching out to the usual suspects.

How I sometimes feel the sit down sailing gang sees us:

--- The Arrogant Jerk: Crabby and irritable since 1998.

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