Crack Wh*re

38 degrees

Addiction can be a brutal and ugly thing. We doubt that some teenage at a party, when offered an illicit substance for the first time, says, "Why yes, I'd love to do degrading things in back alleys someday. Let's see where this leads us."

No, the lure is pleasure, comfort and a bit of a thrill. It's only later, when the cravings won't stop that even the most impossible idea seems not only plausible but perfectly sensible.

Most of us started windsurfing on a pleasant, warm and gentle day. A caressing breeze filled the sail and momentary lapses of balance only meant a swim in refreshing if not warm water. It was all so fun. So innocent.

Soon equipment was bought. And then more equipment. You maybe had to bargain with the spouse to justify a new (to you, at least) piece of equipment. Maybe you didn't reveal how much that sail cost after shipping and taxes. But, you were really beginning to enjoy the sport and a mast here and fin there didn't seem like a big deal.

Summer fell into autumn but you didn't want to stop. Suddenly a bit of neoprene seemed sensible. One wouldn't want to be cold or uncomfortable. Plus, fall meant more wind which justified yet another board or sail or even both.

The days grew shorter and chillier. You didn't set out to sail in the cold. But, last week was fun and this week isn't that much cooler. You really wanted to go again.

In a couple more weeks, you realized it wasn't that you wanted to go when you saw the trees bending but that you must go. You had to go. Yes, it was a bit cool and perhaps uncomfortable but nothing that one couldn't become accustomed to.

You realized that you told your family less and less about your sessions because you had grown tired of explaining why someone would go to the lake on a brisk, if not down right chilly day. They don't understand you'd tell yourself. "It makes me feel so good," you whispered to yourself, "they don't understand that."

Another colder day. If you wear more rubber it won't be so bad you justify.

Your family expresses concern. "It's cold out," they say. "We're concerned for your safety."

You tell them that you are okay. You have things under control. You could take the day off if you wanted to. You'll go today and take tomorrow off.

You want to go again but now you fear their reaction. "I'm going to the mall," you say. You never go to the mall. They, too, know you never go to the mall. The whispers begin.

You are at the lake. It's really blowing. You are cold. Miserable in fact. If you fingers or toes ever begin to warm up, the pain will make you double up and nauseous. You promised yourself you'd wear protection but you never do.

It's 38 degrees. TV reporters looking for that easy story look under bridges for those exposed to the harsh elements. If they only knew how much easier it was to find you in the parking lot staring at the open lake.

When you began that summer's day, you'd never imagine that you'd end up here - alone, miserable, maybe shivering. You close the door to your car, step into your harness and walk down to the water. It's windy and the demon needs to be fed.

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gene_mathis's picture
Joined: 05/17/2002 - 05:00
Posts: 2146
Re: Crack Wh*re

Almost live update, Monday, 1/18/16, Van Pugh, 12:45, Capping, Sunny, and 31 degrees. Anybody?

Kidding, don't know why I rode by.


Gene Mathis

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Stephan's picture
Joined: 12/07/2011 - 16:04
Posts: 163
Re: Crack Wh*re

After an excellent 52F sunny session on Saturday there was no reason to be miserable in 30s or even 40s. The mountain bike ride was great today, the woods blocking the wind and still enough sunshine. Never felt as cold as the 38 degree windsurf session last weekend. Now we just have to get through the rest of January and February.


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