Wind? Tues - Wed?

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Joined: 03/27/2002 - 05:43
Posts: 30
Wind? Tues - Wed?

I'm looking at models predicting a somewhat unusual wind event - apparently a front with subsequent strong high pressure - some indicate wind coming up NW late Tuesday, going through the night, and peaking NE at 11 am Wednesday.  I myself was thinking about SC coast as the call presently is NE 20-25 Wednesday w/ 6-8 ft. seas and 15, or 15-20 NE Thursday w/6-7 ft. seas.  Unfortunately, I may  be pretty much sidelined w/ a shoulder injury - just have to see.  In a situation like this, as always, I think of camping at the lake, where one could sail late, night sail and/or do the dawn thing.

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: Wind? Tues - Wed?

The coast sounds great (not that I could make it though).  Imagine a NE 20 with the kicker of a seabreeze in the pm.  

I hadn't check the direction but was hoping Wed afternoon would hold but then again, we've had some decent easterlies lately even with the warm temps and sunshine past the usual 9-10 am window.

Not a bad summer at all, I'd say.


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jibes's picture
Joined: 03/18/2002 - 06:56
Posts: 379
Re: Wind? Tues - Wed?

It's Wed and the leaves are moving around in Marietta. Will try Galts at about noon for a couple of hours. Forecasts call for around or above 10...


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