Key West Sailing - Christmas time?

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Joined: 09/13/2005 - 10:28
Posts: 22
Key West Sailing - Christmas time?

We're thinking of driving down to Key West over Christmas holidays. How's the windsurfing there? Best launch places, etc.


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Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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I've been to the Keys several times of which twice was to Key West for a week, once for Thanksgiving about 3-4 years ago and last Christmas for a week.

Windsurfing is good but not great. Seems like every time I go I get one day of good wind with a front passing through ( about 5.5m conditions) and two days or so on a 6 to 8 m sail.

Check out the link below, it tells you all you need to know (that is where I got my info from). If there is wind there will likely be 2 or 3 other board heads that will show up.

BTW, last Christmas week I met a couple of guys windsurfing on the N. Boca Chica pass. They told me about the flats by the furthest mangrove islands that you will see due north of the bridge (way past the tall hydro lines). About two days later the wind was right and we windsurfed to the flats. It looks like about a 1 to 2 mile distance, but seemed to take forever to get there (fully powered on 6.5m). Once you get there it is very flat and due to the mangrove islands and vegetation about 1ft below the surface - very fast speed runs. Later that day when I checked it on Google earth, I found that its more like 4 to 5 miles from the bridge. I probably would not do it again for fear of breaking down so far from shore.


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Joined: 09/13/2005 - 10:28
Posts: 22

Thanks Marek S. Good info. Any advice for housing?

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