Wind Foil Jibe Help

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webguy's picture
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Re: Wind Foil Jibe Help

Imprint this by watching a few times. Looks just like the ones we see down in Clearwater (and the guy is at that level, too)

Edit: another to imprint. Note 1) straight front arm and bent knees 2) how much the sail swings to the outside of the turn. at 0:24, his back hand is in front of his face 3) his foot change is the same time as the sail flip. The foot change gives him the room to really open the sail at the end so he doesn't get backwinded.

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webguy's picture
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Re: Wind Foil Jibe Help

Nice overhead view


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Re: Wind Foil Jibe Help

Relax and fly the foil, the sail will take care of itself

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Re: Wind Foil Jibe Help

Some aerial footage of jibes

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webguy's picture
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Re: Wind Foil Jibe Help

Interesting experiences with new board. The track is shorter and ends about 1.5-2 cm forward of where I used to put the mast base on the old board. Consequently, the nose is a bit "heavier". I may have mentioned that I asked Maverick P about this in Jacksonville and he said not to worry. At speed, it'll fly just fine.

Yesterday was generally very light. I had to make a marked effort to step back on the super light jibes to keep the nose up. As a side note, I've found before that I wasn't stepping quite as far back on my port tack jibes on my old big board and why I had a harder time flying through those. However, if the wind hit 11 or 12, I had enough speed that it was no problem flying through. Moral of the story - if you are having trouble flying through, you can tweak mast base position or where you step across. And, as always, more speed (within reason) makes things easier.

In super light air, I might experiment with another 1/2 degree on the shim or use the plus plus. The problem with the plus plus is that at 11-12, I'm fully loaded on a reach which will make either a pain. I'm sure we'll have enough marginal days in the next few months for me to experiment with though. Sad

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aeroegnr's picture
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Re: Wind Foil Jibe Help

Here's where I am at. Something getting hitched up about 3/4 thru but maintaining speed w/ touchdown and flying pretty quickly. Last one stayed over 8.8kts thru the jibe and may be my best one.

I'll add that I was also sheeting in more in the downwind portion than I was before, which was helping maintain speed. Maybe could go even more...

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webguy's picture
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Re: Wind Foil Jibe Help

Getting there!
The first jibe, if you look through the window at 0:34-34, you can see some there has a bent front elbow. Biggrin Try getting it forward and straighter; and see if that helps give you more power through that part of the turn.

Hard to tell because the camera is on the boom but when you sheet in at 1:42, it still looks like you are pulling the nose up into the wind a bit (I know part of that is the boom cam, too). Those knees at 1:32-34... tad straight maybe? Biggrin

You are getting close. Very close. Again, really hard to tell because of the boom cam but is there any way after you flip to accelerate going downwind instead of getting back to a reach so quickly? The air is light in that video and there just isn't enough extra energy to keep you flying for that extra half second. This is what it looks like but I've been known to be very wrong. Blush

Given what's in these videos, I just feel like on a good, breezy day, you are going to enter one and come out ripping. Light air jibes can be so much harder because there's so little energy available that any slip ends things. Keep it up!

Oh, and getting through with just a quick splash is okay in my book. Most of the point of the exercise is to avoid sitting back in the water and having to work to get going again. (But, flying through is kind of fun in it's own way, too.)

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aeroegnr's picture
Joined: 01/15/2023 - 09:56
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Re: Wind Foil Jibe Help

Yeah I'm wondering if there is something else I'm doing that makes straightening my front arm hard? It's like sometimes I can and other times I can't... maybe I have my hand too far forward at the entry?

Appreciate the critiques. It was definitely light in the lulls and well/overpowered in some of the gusts. Still not consistent but it's easier than coming out planing on a fin Biggrin

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: Wind Foil Jibe Help

Imprint this on your brain. Yes 3 (I've been staring at it for about 10 minutes myself.)

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aeroegnr's picture
Joined: 01/15/2023 - 09:56
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Re: Wind Foil Jibe Help

Front hand definitely at the harness lines. Foot switch is very quick and only has a little upset, lean and carve is well maintained until flattening out after the flip. Right around the flip is when I lose my carve a lot of the times even though I'm staying in the strap...I could try doing a step jibe too but it feels so much simpler on the IQFoil gear than the small stuff...

I admittedly have a problem remembering going from front hand at lines to slide to mast a lot of times with everything going on. Then I get pulled in. Maybe I need more practice getting the slide down, especially on my "bad" side (starboard to port).

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aeroegnr's picture
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Re: Wind Foil Jibe Help

Happy to say that I had some decent jibes today on race kit (IQFoil, +0.5 shim), best I've had on that setup.

Was intimidated as it was a lot better that forecast. I was expecting 12-14kts so I just brought the IQFoil and that's it. But, it was measured at the beach of a solid 15 gusting to just over 20kts.

I haven't been out in conditions like that on this gear in a bit. Lots of people out, including at least a few people with 4.something sails on up, and me with the HGO 9.0. I had the outhaul tightened and boom lowered to help make it more manageable.

From the looks of the local wind gauge, my best jibes that I only lightly touched vs. touched and stayed at planing speed were in the hard 20kt gusts. So that lends some credence to having ample power in the jibe. i also could feel how much sheeting in helped steer the board through the carve, and I still needed to do it appreciably when powered up.

But, with that much power, I got through some turns way sloppier than I could have otherwise. Light wind takes a lot more that you have to get right, but still not as hard as fin jibes.

It took about 30mins to get used to but now I think I will try that gear more in higher wind.

I think that I had one or two that I came through without touching until I looked down to see the strap. Some I just found the front strap automatically. Was also making a lot more steps than minimum (hence sloppy), but it felt good to get on the other side of the board and ride the foil and flip while looking through the turn...glad I got to go out.

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webguy's picture
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Re: Wind Foil Jibe Help

Super happy for you. Yeah, the windy ones are easier for me, too. Hamdi nailed his the other day on a very breezy day. Unless super windy and the water is chaotic. The lightwind ones are still my challenge on the new big board.

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aeroegnr's picture
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Re: Wind Foil Jibe Help

Yeah I got lucky that it wasn't too chaotic, but south angle to the wind made the kiddie pool a bit less flat than normal. Think this is a pic more towards the middle. Where there was more swell I was touching a lot more and trying to maintain speed. The good thing is that even touching down in the swells I tended to stay at flying speed as long as I kept my weight on the inside rail to complete the turn to new broad reach and didn't look at the sail Crazy . Got lucky that Karen and Britt took some pics. Britt was out on a 4.4 and I chuckled when I realized I had double the sail up and wasn't dying.

Btw I was thinking a lot more from our talks about limiting my carve to the new broad reach instead of further and it helped a lot. I just had to figure out visually what that meant compared to the shoreline and dial it in. My feel then started to notice the power come back on and limited my flight upwind until I was ready to hit the beans.

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: Wind Foil Jibe Help

Oh, wow. That is a breeze! Well done! Thanks for writing all that out. Hope it helps someone else.

As for spotting the exit, you'll sense it better with time but at least with small sails, when I look through the window before going in, that's a good approximation as it's about 90-110 degrees from my entry.

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aeroegnr's picture
Joined: 01/15/2023 - 09:56
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Re: Wind Foil Jibe Help

Yeah it was really busy yesterday morning so I was looking around the mast and checking thrice before jibing. Some very fast wingers have been showing up on 900cm2 wings and sometimes sneaking up on me so I wanted to be sure I didn't hit them. The best timing seemed to be right behind someone else crossing the other direction because I knew that area was going to be clear.

Hopefully it's consistent and helpful for others. I was also noticing how far back and out I could stand out of the straps and maintain control. It feels like the 900/115+ is so much less twitchy and sensitive to rail pressure than the phantasm 926, even with a 95cm wide vs 71. But I don't have onboard video, just perception, and it felt like I was much further out than normal. A lot more mobile on the back of the board. More aggressive and less locked into the old front footstrap. I think that for a lot of my previous jibing I felt frozen to the board instead of reacting...

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aeroegnr's picture
Joined: 01/15/2023 - 09:56
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Re: Wind Foil Jibe Help

Standard IQFoil with +0.5. Was northerly so fairly gusty with some holes. Last time I was out was the foilx with 7.0 FG, had some awkward flips and steps across the board this time compared to when I was well powered. But, found the older gopro and got some clips, painfully.

I can tell I'm not looking in the right place due to new front strap confusion. Am trying to keep front arm straight but struggling a bit for the right balance at the right time.

I think that GPS track below the video is from the first one. You can see how much time I'm spending going mostly downwind during the step and flip. Sorting that out is going to make my jibes a lot better.

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: Wind Foil Jibe Help

I've had trouble adapting to my new AHD as the mast track was a touch forward from my previous board. Added a half degree shim and moved the mast base about 5cm to partially compensate and it's made a huge difference in light air. The other thing is that after spending a winter on small and even smaller sails, I'd gotten out of the habit of really sweeping the sail across my body in a jibe. Worked on that yesterday and, yes, it really works with big sails. Hit more foiling jibes in 8-12 than I have in a while.

Jibing is definitely a skill that needs practice to keep the steps imprinted in your memory.

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aeroegnr's picture
Joined: 01/15/2023 - 09:56
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Re: Wind Foil Jibe Help

Here's probably one of the best light wind jibes I've pulled off. I think I was getting my front arm straight at the entry (struggle more when there's more power). I think I was lazy with height control and I could've turned with a shorter radius to a broad reach on the new tack, which would've kept my speed up.
I measured on the opposite side of the causeway here and it was 8-10kts and there was a little shadow because it was side/off on the side I was sailing on where it's deep enough to foil. Had to have my boom all the way up, +1 shim, mast base 1.5cm back from center.

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: Wind Foil Jibe Help

Great video showing jibes on different gear and wind speeds. Make sure you have closed captions enabled.

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: Wind Foil Jibe Help

Great video with tips on how to do windfoil jibes at speed. Very thorough with lots of action shots. The guy who put it together has done 30 kts so has the cred to do this. Plus a supporting cast of PWA pros

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