We have a new name!

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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We have a new name!

Yes, after twenty years, we have a new name: windsportatlanta.com

The new name better reflects our community. At our heart, we're still windsurfers but recognize that many of us get on the water in a variety of wind-powered ways. Windsurfers, windfoilers, kites, occasional sailboats. Most importantly, we are a community who enjoy getting out on the water and sharing the fun. We hope you like the change.

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windlord's picture
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Re: We have a new name!


Bill Herderich

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Re: We have a new name!

I like it

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nitro's picture
Joined: 08/26/2003 - 15:07
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Re: We have a new name!

I am going to desent on this. I can’t stand losing the distinct windsurfing label - at least for this site. A dying sport getting lumped into all windsports. Generic and bla... Windfoiling is windsurfing ( anybody who wants to windfoil will need to spend 2 years learning to windsurf), and it seems like the only kiteboarders who contribute to this site are also windsurfers.

With that said, Webguy, thanks for all you do keeping the site alive. Much appreciated! Just sad to see the disappearance of ‘windsurfing’

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Randy's picture
Joined: 05/05/2002 - 10:38
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Re: We have a new name!

I like it. Windsurfing still gets top billing, and probably a large majority of the content as it should. However, the world changes and you have to change with it. Thanks William for the change.

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: We have a new name!
nitrojiber wrote:

I am going to desent on this. I can’t stand losing the distinct windsurfing label - at least for this site. A dying sport getting lumped into all windsports. Generic and bla... Windfoiling is windsurfing ( anybody who wants to windfoil will need to spend 2 years learning to windsurf), and it seems like the only kiteboarders who contribute to this site are also windsurfers.

With that said, Webguy, thanks for all you do keeping the site alive. Much appreciated! Just sad to see the disappearance of ‘windsurfing’

I hear you. I want you to know that this wasn't a hasty thing but after a lot of reflection and bouncing the idea off a few people. Things to think about (not saying you'll be convinced but at least to let you know what led to the decision):

1) I think that the community here is a bit different than a lot of places. There isn't the kite vs windsurf thing that goes on at a lot of places. There is a lot of crossover and some of the better kiters here are also really good windsurfers (think, Roger, Dave D. and Gene) plus a few others who do both sports.
2) These are the guys (right now mostly guys) we see at the lake and when it's blowing we share the same vibe and good times. The more of all of us on the water, the better it is.
3) All the kite guys watch this interesting cat gif while nitrojiber and I talk Wink

I'm really playing the long con here. If I were worried about the future of windsurfing, I probably wouldn't do this. I'm absolutely convinced that the windsurfing community is strong here and will continue to be so. I'm also convinced that this windfoil thing is a big deal. For a lot of people, kites were the answer to the problem of windsurfing absolutely sucking in lighter winds. Big boards and sails went a long way to filling that gap but it takes technique and money. Good big sails and wide boards are expensive and if you don't have things wired you can end up getting your ass handed to you if you get caught in a blow. And, they aren't for everybody as a lot of really good windsurfers still refuse to use anything bigger than a 7.0 or 7.5. Foils now fill that gap. Of course, you can't jump a foil like you can a kite (yet) but you can have a hell of a good time with surprisingly small sails in 10-15 mph winds or less. And, windfoils do one very important thing that kiteboards can't: They float. On those crappy 7-12 mph days, a floaty board and windfoil is a gift from the heavens.

Obviously, kitefoils will fill some of that gap but, from what I read, the jump from kiteboard to foil is bigger than the jump from windsurf to foil. Just like people like Tony Logosz (Slingshot), I think there will be people on the kite side that become windfoil curious and maybe jump in with both feet.

4) Langdon and I helped someone today take her windsurfing baby steps. I still think that it's a crazy fun sport. If I lived someplace else, I might give kiting a go, but, here, I think that windsurfing is a very good way to get my on the water "buzz". The web site will continue to reflect that.

It may be that none of this takes away your disappointment and I respect that. So, we are making a limited edition piece of sticky vinyl that has https://windsurfatlanta.org printed on it so you can tape it on your computer monitor over the spot where your browser displays the address bar. Okay, I kid a bit. But, we're keeping the windsurfatlanta domains so you can spite me everyday by typing those in to get here. Biggrin

Lastly, thank you for passionately defending and believing in windsurfing. If you didn't love it so much, you wouldn't feel this way. I will do my best to honor your love of the sport. Thank you for your continued support and participation in the community - it would be less without you. See you on the water.

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nitro's picture
Joined: 08/26/2003 - 15:07
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Re: We have a new name!

I want that windsurfatlanta.org sticker!

I appreciate the response – still don’t agree with the decision, but you made your case. You guys in Atlanta are ‘lucky’ in that you still have a windsurfing community. Its feeling awfully lonely over here is Augusta. When I moved here 15 years ago, we had about 10-12 dedicated windsurfers that could show up on a good day. Now, I am lucky to NOT be sailing alone. To me, it does feel like windsurfing is dying off, and I hate watering-down the identity of the only local windsurfing community that I can still connect with. Hell, I still have all the hard copies of the ABC news letters from the 90’s stashed away in my closet.

All right, moving on. Time to put on my black socks and sandals, go yell at those pesky kids to ‘get the hell of my lawn’, and maybe take the Buick out for a Sunday drive…

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Randy's picture
Joined: 05/05/2002 - 10:38
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Re: We have a new name!

Did the Augusta windsurfers become kiters, or just lose interest in the sport?

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: We have a new name!
nitrojiber wrote:

I want that windsurfatlanta.org sticker!

I appreciate the response – still don’t agree with the decision, but you made your case. You guys in Atlanta are ‘lucky’ in that you still have a windsurfing community. Its feeling awfully lonely over here is Augusta. When I moved here 15 years ago, we had about 10-12 dedicated windsurfers that could show up on a good day. Now, I am lucky to NOT be sailing alone. To me, it does feel like windsurfing is dying off, and I hate watering-down the identity of the only local windsurfing community that I can still connect with. Hell, I still have all the hard copies of the ABC news letters from the 90’s stashed away in my closet.

All right, moving on. Time to put on my black socks and sandals, go yell at those pesky kids to ‘get the hell of my lawn’, and maybe take the Buick out for a Sunday drive…

Good Air kiss

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nitro's picture
Joined: 08/26/2003 - 15:07
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Re: We have a new name!

Several became kiters. When I see them them now, I still get asked why I haven’t ‘converted’ to kiting ? Drives me crazy. Not sure why I never see them kite at the lake. A few moved. Another few now only sail in Hatteras or on vacation.

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Randy's picture
Joined: 05/05/2002 - 10:38
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Re: We have a new name!
nitrojiber wrote:

Several became kiters. When I see them them now, I still get asked why I haven’t ‘converted’ to kiting ? Drives me crazy. Not sure why I never see them kite at the lake. A few moved. Another few now only sail in Hatteras or on vacation.

Maybe it's too difficult for them to kite at the lake. For a lot of people kiting is a destination sport - (OBX, Aruba, etc.) kind of like skiing or scuba diving. It is always harder at home in any sport. (Just try skiing in Atlanta.)

When are you going to convert to kiting? In other words - when are you going to join my church and be saved? That does seem annoying, but it's not all bad. First, it is unlikely taking up kiting made these guys annoying. They were probably already annoying but you were too busy windsurfing to notice. Now - it is obvious how annoying they are so you don't need to waste time on them. And, when you are out sailing, who has time to talk to people anyway so you won't really miss them. Second, look at the advantages - no problems finding parking. You have the whole lake to yourself most of the year, and kiting is really expensive. These guys will probably be having a fire sale of their windsurf gear before long to pay for new kites and more trips to places where they can kite. You can have cheap windsurf gear for a long time to come whenever you need it. So look on the bright side.

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: We have a new name!

There are few people more annoying than the newly converted. I know. I, too, have been and probably am annoying. I cringe at some of the things I've said. Oh well.

The kiters here, in Atlanta, are chill and probably spend less time trying to convert me than I do trying to drag them back. We sent all the annoying ones down I-20 from here.



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Randy's picture
Joined: 05/05/2002 - 10:38
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Re: We have a new name!

So I guess webster is saying "All Windsports Matter".

BTW - perhaps we should help our members better recognize whether they are annoying or not. This website is dedicated to the issue and provides quizzes to help determine your AQ (annoyingness quotient.)


What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: We have a new name!
Randy wrote:

So I guess webster is saying "All Windsports Matter".

Don't hate; appreciate, integrate and congregate. (Channeling my inner Jesse Jackson) Biggrin

I'd been working with this image for an article I'm writing and changed a few bits for this post (explaining why you'll see it again). Apologies to the lady in the photo who was probably trying to do something worthwhile with her time unlike us windsurf junkies.

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Randy's picture
Joined: 05/05/2002 - 10:38
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Re: We have a new name!

It occurs to me that windsurfing has always been quite fragmented by itself. I would guess that longboard course racers probably have more in common with dinghy course racers than they do with bump and jump, freestyle or wave windsurfers. Conversely, those latter three groups may have more in common with kitesurfers than they do with longboard and maybe even formula sailors. Case in point, I met a guy at OBX in my recent trip who was an excellent shortboard sailor - now only sails 5.5 and below and below 90 litre boards. In lighter wind he's kiting - but only down to about 9 meter kites. Below that he windsurfs.

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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