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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
Posts: 13912

Hey Chuck, is it time you and I attempt to take credit from the newly inspired tandom craze? Could it have been when you and I were seen cooking up a 20 foot rooster tail on the tandem board in aruba, cutting a new path through the reef all the while grinding off the fin in the coral? Could it have been when we bought the F2 tandom board in Haterras and logged many of sessions with all our buds in the sound, calema etc. Could it have been when we were stranded after dark two miles out from our house, lost, and jelly fish stung to death and rescued by mater' samich' with his sunlike beacon of a flashlight. I have to say that you haven't windsurfed till you are in the footsraps on the front (with me on the back or some other salad bar challenged person) 6' off the water and grinning ear to ear. Tandom sailing rocks, I inCourage evreyone to give it a whirl. Just seeing all the articles appearing in the mags brings back great memories for me, jelly fish and all.

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
Posts: 13912

I can vouch that I saw down at Calima fully planing...a few years ago! Pretty cool.

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Chuck_Hardin's picture
Joined: 02/18/2002 - 05:27
Posts: 275

(Sorry for the delay. just got back late last night from a trip to Memphis. Hung out with the King at Graceland yesterday. Now, that dude would have been fun at a windsurfing lesson, at least in his karate days.)

Oh yeah...I think we deserve the credit. Remember Chris Campbell riding right beside us, barely able to keep up, full-on powered on a 5.5, when we had the Tandemonium blasting at the last Hatteras trip.?
I eve got 'mater sam'ich on it at St Simons. We had a standard "I've-fallen-and-I-can't-get-up" episode way out beyond the sand bar, darn near in the shipping lane. But, it's always entertaining to the natives when you come blasting back in laughing and hooting.
(BTW, speaking of sam'ich, he has becoem quite a good windsurfer since his move to the islands. But his land sailing is what you would not believe. Smooth and cool as anybody I ever saw on a land board. Heck, he goes out on a 7.0 in a 12 knot breeze on that thing. I think he's going 40mph.)

Chuck Hardin
Whitecap Windsurfing, Inc.

c:706-833-WIND (9463)

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