When in doubt, bring everything

From the cool Italian site: www.sottomarinakite.it (both kite and windsurfing) comes this pic which appears to be taken in CA.

boards, lots of boards

We do ask that those driving to Hatteras show a bit more restraint. Last year, an elderly snowbird couple driving back to Montreal had a accident (fortunately no injuries) after a similarly packed vehicle cast a large shadow over their car. The couple, seeing the shadow and hearing the rush of air around the boards, thought they'd strayed onto the runway of Seymour Johnson Air Force Base and swerved off the road.

They also have a neat wind forecast set of icons. When the prediction is light wind (

it's all good

Tuesday 05: 9 knots from the southeast by mid-afternoon
Wednesday 06: 13 knots from the southeast at dawn and cross our fingers hoping to get another 13 knots in the afternoon
Thursday 07: 15 and perhaps more knots from the southeast by mid afternoon. If you like the sirocco not miss the day today!
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