Dear Part 33

Mad Catter
The Curse of Kitty: He is not amused.

Sometimes, it seems we can't win for losing. Last week, we upset a member of the canine contingent of our windsurfing community. Apparently, he took exception to our cat themed forum post. This week, it's someone else. We really need it to blow around here. Nerves are getting frayed and tempers on a short fuse.

Dear Atlanta Bored Sailing Club,
We cats have put up with your using us a entertainment while waiting for wind. Cat videos, cat pics, ha, ha. We luvz our cheezburgers so I guess it comes with the territory.

Bad kitty
But then you had put that vile "No Cats" sign on your web site. Really? No cats? Okay, we'll play that game.

Ever wondered why the Chicago Cubs haven't been to the World Series since WW II? A goat. That's right, a goat. They insulted the dignity of a goat in 1945.

" 1945 when Billy Goat Tavern owner Billy Sianis was asked to leave a World Series game against the Detroit Tigers at the Cubs' home ground of Wrigley Field because his pet goat's odor was bothering other fans. He was outraged and declared, "Them Cubs, they aren't gonna win no more," which has been interpreted to mean that there would never be another World Series game won at Wrigley Field.

...Sianis’ family claims that he dispatched a telegram to team owner Philip K. Wrigley which read, “You are going to lose this World Series and you are never going to win another World Series again. You are never going to win a World Series again because you insulted my goat.”

Like the goat, I, too, have been insulted. A pox on you and your house. May history remember you as the reason leaves rustle no more, white caps appear only on the heads of sailors, nurses and flying nuns, and windsurfers weep to no avail.

I say to you, sir, good day. Good day, sir.

Wow. Somebody is having a bad hairball day. First, we heard that "Bored Sailing" joke back when people stood in line for Microsoft products and Apple bled money and only made beige boxes (we still have one around somewhere).

Secondly, curse? Seriously, how exactly does a curse work? What aspect of Quantum or String Theory manifests itself as a curse? Now that the Large Hadron Collider found evidence of the Higgs Boson, will it go looking for the source of all curses? Or, do little pixies and elves sprinkle magic dust in the air so that the laws of thermodynamics no longer apply to Georgia? (Skip that last part, apparently some in Georgia feel that science doesn't necessarily apply here.)

Let's look at some empirical data since you cast your evil cat spell on us. Here's a record of wind over the last few days. It looks real, well, maybe not so windy.

Wind in the time of the cat
It was windy a couple of times. I'm sure the anemometer is broken. That would explain the 0 readings.

Well, it's warm here. Periods of light wind happen here. That's not unusual. As it cools off the next several days, it should get breezy again. Here, let's look at the forecast out a few days.

No Wind for a Cat
See, that's not so bad. Yeah, there are lots of 2's and 3's but I see a couple of 6's in there, too. Lots and lots of wind.

Umm... that's, uh, interesting. I'm sure that's a coincidence. Right? Right? There's no curse. Get the NWS on the line, there's something seriously @#$%ed about their wind models.

From our website, sometime in the future.
A Bit Like Everest

One of the most stark and grim sites that confront climbers as they attempt to summit Everest are the remains of those who didn't survive on the mountain. Their corpses sit as eternal reminders of the frailty of life, having succumbed to the cold, oxygen deprivation and injury. At those altitudes, anything that prevents you from quickly descending sentences you to an almost certain death. That same altitude and isolation also means that it's almost impossible to retrieve the bodies of these doomed climbers. So, the dead sit and watch every year as new climbers attempt to summit without suffering their fate.

Like Mt. Everest, Van Pugh Park has its own corpse; a corpse of someone who tried to dared nature and lost. The story is hazy and has many variations. But, they all tell of someone, a windsurfer, who didn't believe in the Curse of the Kitty. He thought that if he waited, waited long enough, the wind would blow. What eventually happened, we don't know other than to say, it never blew again in his lifetime.

His bones sit as a reminder to value each and every windy day. And, to never, never, ever annoy a cat.

Long Wait for Wind at Van Pugh
Marcel looks while David averts his eyes from the grim site of the windsurfer who will wait for wind for eternity. There's his gear, too. As a memorial, local windsurfers leave it rigged and ready for him to use.
Photo: Slogger
Cat Power

Atlanta native Cat Power from her new release.

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Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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How could I have forgotten? Enjoy Cat Power at the end.

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